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SPoMO, the acronym for SocioPolitical Meme Ontology, is an ontology dedicated to describing the entities and properties of a socio-political meme in order to recognize it. Unlike SPoMePo, which focuses on prospectiving, SPoMO is oriented to the structure and fundamental components of socio-political memes. This ontology includes defining the key characteristics of memes, such as caption, template, graphic content or other. SPoMO helps to identify and classify socio-political memes, making it possible to recognize them.
: Caption
: Connotation: Ironic, Motivational, Offensive, Sarcastic
: GraphichContent
: MediaFrame
: Politics: PoliticalActivity (PoliticalActivity), PoliticalAgent (PoliticalSupporter (PoliticalSupporter), Politician (Politician))
: SocialGroup (SocialGroup)
: SocioPoliticalMeme
: Template
: hasCaption: Refers to a SocioPoliticalMeme that has caption a Caption
: hasConnotation: Refers to a SocioPoliticalMeme that has connotation a Connotation
cons: hasCostituent: Inverse of isConstituentOf
: hasGraphicContent: Refers to a SocioPoliticalMeme that has a graphical content represented by a GraphicContent class.
: hasMediaFrame: Refers to a SocioPoliticalMeme that has a media frame a MediaFrame
: hasTemplate: Refers to a SocioPoliticalMeme that has a template, a Template
cons: isConstituentOf: Refers to a Caption or a GraphicContent is constituent of a MediaFrame. It is inverse of hasContituent.
: refersTo: Refers to a Caption or GraphicContent refers to a Politics.
: hasMedia: Refers to a GraphicContent or SocioPoliticalMeme that has media a Literal or a hexBinary
: hasValue: Refers to a Caption or a Connotation or Politics or SocialGroup or Template that has value a Literal or a string.