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🍕Meme's Ontology: A Perspective Analysis of SocialPolitical Memes

This website contains the documentation for the final project of "Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Extraction" held by prof. Aldo Gangemi, in a.y. 2023/2024 within the Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge Master's Degree at Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.

The group members are Chiara Martina, Romolo David d'Alessandro, Valentino Castagna.

Internet memes are a fundamental part of communication in the social media sphere. One of the mechanisms at the core of their function is recontextualization, which refers to the transfer and transformation of information from one context to another. This process involves multimodal signs such as language and images, which together create meaning through shared characteristics.

This dynamic is even more evident in political memes, which are recontextualized on various levels, including language, mode of presentation, and humor. They hold great significance in political discourse, given their role in engaging young people in politics and their potential for political participation and activism. At the same time, memes are seen as a low-threshold form of political engagement, providing an innovative and often humorous source of political information that complements traditional media.

Our project focuses on sociopolitical memes. The goal is to demonstrate how internet memes, through their underpinning recontextualization dynamic, provide conceptual frameworks that influence the perception and interpretation of specific social and/or political issues, allowing for the development of different perspectives on them based on its mediatic components.

The GitHub Repository of this project:

Fig.1: Team Members

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